Friday, October 22, 2010

Pretties and a Cookie Flop

Both of these paper crafts make me want to wander the paper isle and then hole up creating.

Paper pumpkins from WhipperBerry. Would have already tackled this one, but the idea of hands covered in Mod Podge is holding me back.

Paper wallflowers from Billie Monster. But where would I put them?

 If my KitchenAid had these vinyl decals it would get pulled from its cozy corner on the counter and put front and center.

Unless a chocolate chip cookie recipe calls for oatmeal they don't turn out for me. I was hopeful when I saw this recipe. But it was the same story, different recipe. Do you know the tricks to make a perfect chocolate chip cookie without the oatmeal? I need help.


Deidra said...

The dry-flaky feeling of Mod Podge. Ick!

Do something other than flowers and put them above the shelf in the boys' room.

Have you enlisted your Silhouette SD yet?

Uhhh, add oatmeal? That's all I've got. What's wrong with oatmeal? And what was wrong with that recipe? The waiting?

Nikkala said...

I'm not sure if the recipe was the problem, or if me adding too much sugar was to blame, but they turned out flat just like all the others.

Adrienne Hansen said...

Hi! :) I'm just a random reader and had to comment on the cookies. I used to be the worst cookie maker ever. The dough was awesome. Cookies weren't good at all. I then had a friend that went to culinary school tell me that I needed to cream everything but flour, salt and soda for honestly like 10 minutes. I just put it in my kitchenaid, turn it on almost the highest speed and cream the heck out of it. Then I add the dry ingredients and mix until just combined and add chocolate chips. It has NEVER failed me. Every recipe I try now works. Hope this works for you!

James and Jeni said...

I'm another random reader and I just came across your plea for delicious chocolate chip cookies. I used to REFUSE to make chocolate chip cookies because they'd never turn out. But this recipe is absolutely DELICIOUS. My husband asks me to make them all the time.

PS ... Love your blog!