Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Men are from Google, Women are from Yahoo

I just finished reading this article. It talks of a recent study done on internet usage which found that ...

"...women are more likely to use the Internet for emailing, getting maps and directions (after all, men always know where they're going), looking for health and medical information, seeking support for health and personal problems, and getting religious information."


"Men are more likely to use the Internet to check the weather, get news, find do-it-yourself information, acquire sports scores and information, look for political information, do job-related research, download software, listen to music, rate a product/person/service through an online reputation system, download music, use a webcam, and take a class."

This is so true in our house. My husband spends most of his on-line time reading news, checking the weather and checking out sport scores. And I tend to use the internet more as an information/research (and shopping) center.

I am really surprised that using the internet to shop didn't fall into either list.

1 comment:

Alisha Wilkins said...

Definately true in my house!