Monday, October 11, 2010

Dressing Up Our Photos

We've made it a tradition to decorate the wall of photos in our dining area for Halloween. It's one of those traditions that gets talked about all year long.

Using chalk ink markers, we dress up the photos. Bat wings, frankenstein bolts, witch hats, horns and pitchforks, snaggle teeth, pirate patches and spiderwebs are drawn right on the glass. The markers are opaque and wash off with water. Which is a good thing considering my artistic skills are a little lacking and sometimes it takes me a few tries.

We keep the markers out all month, and as a new idea comes we draw it on. Soon, all the photos are decorated and we spend dinner laughing and talking about them. Our boys think the pictures are hilarious!


Deidra said...

Love B's bat wings. I love how handsome he is. Wish I would have stolen the markers while I was there and kicked off the season. (I thought about it.)

Anonymous said...

absolutely love this idea!!